The Prospero Downside Breakout signal is a short-term signal that ranks stocks or ETFs by their potential for significant price losses. A high number indicates that investors expect bad returns, which means you should look more carefully at this stock or ETF before buying or holding.
Downside Breakout ranges from 0 to 100 and can be examined for a certain stock or an aggregation of stocks such as ETFs.
A low Upside Breakout does not necessarily mean a high Downside Breakout. A stock can be positioned to have a lower chance of losses without having a higher chance of gains.
For example, a biotech stock could be viewed by the market as having a low probability of a clinical trial success. If the trial is a failure the stock might not move down much because that failure might be already “priced in”.
Downside Breakout updates every 2-5 minutes via options pricing dynamics. It also contains vital information outside of the options market, but does not move as sharply.