Buying and holding strong stocks for a year or more is the safest way to see the highest returns.'s long-term signals show predictions for the next 2 months to 2 years, helping you create and maintain a strong portfolio.
Ranks stocks or ETFs by their potential for significant price gains over the next one to two years. Stocks with high Upside indicate investors expect good returns, which along with other signals, can indicate a solid long-term bet.
Ranks stocks or ETFs by their potential for significant price losses. A high number here indicates that investors expect bad returns, meaning you should look more carefully at this stock before buying or holding.
Ranks stocks or ETFs by their potential for strong financial performance. A higher number here indicates a strong potential to yield profits over the next one to two years, suggesting a good long-term bet.
Ranks a stock by how closely it mirror's the S&P 500. A high number means it is moving with the market with a low number meaning it is moving in the opposite direction. This signal is best combined with other signals.
Ranks stocks by the likelihood they will experience revenue and/or size expansion over the next one to two years. As Wall St. is addicted to growth, a higher number is a great indicator of success.
Predicting the performance of a stock over the next one to two months,'s short-term signals help you see how institutions and options traders view the stock. While short term trading is risky, it can be lucrative for seasoned traders.
Ranks stocks or ETFs by how traders value a stock based mostly on pricing dynamics in the options markets. Large institutions like hedge funds strongly influence this number and following can help predict where price moves.
Ranks stocks and ETFs based on social media engagement and sentiment analysis data that indicates how positively or negatively users of large social media networks view the company.
Ranks stocks or ETFs by market activity of institutions based on their Securities and Exchange Commission filings. This signal can be a strong indicator but should never be used by itself.
Ranks stocks by the appearance of activity in dark pools. Dark pools are exchanges used only by institutions to delay trades up to 24 hours. This helps distort the true price of the stock or ETF.
Ranks stocks or ETFs by how much short sellers are actively attempting to push down its price. If the stock gains despite sustained efforts to push it down, short-Pressure increases exponentially.