Prospero Featured Screener

Screeners enable a different view of the signals that is created by adding or subtracting signals and filtering out others. The Featured screener is one curated by Prospero staff to capture and rank stocks based on the forces that currently impacting the market. As these focus on US stocks, the screener is based on US East Coast time (GMT-5).

As the forces that impact the market change regularlyl, successful investors must look at the market in different ways. Screeners offer a way to do this by ranking stocks based on a scoring formula. The score is created by combining signals via a formula before filtering (or removing) stocks based on their signals’ current ratings.

What exactly the screener captures will change often but could stay the same day to day if the prevailing market forces remain the same. Additionally, as stocks’ signals change throughout the day, a stock’s position on the screener will change. Check the featured screener’s description for both the formula used and the reason why that formula was chosen.

In addition to the featured screener, Prospero maintains four other screeners. These are the Short-Term Bull, Long-Term Bull, Short-Term Bear, and Long-Term Bear screeners that make up Our Picks. Newsletters

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